Sunday, June 19, 2011

3 Straight Photos


Spring Afternoon

Spring Sunrise

Photo Manipulation

Friday, June 3, 2011

Lost & Found

1. Describe your found photo(s). Where did you find it (them)? What was it about it (them) and caught your attention?
I found two magazine advertisements in a fashion magazine. It caught my attention 
because the composition was interesting and the colour palette was appealing. Also the two ads matched well together because it contrasted each other. 

2. Describe your artwork. What feeling, idea or message did you intend the viewer to get?
The viewer should feel the multi-faceted glamour that advertisements convey. I want the viewer to look closer into the advertisements than just passing by them. 

3. Assess your process & product; do you think it is an engaging, creative, well-put-together artwork.
I think my product is engaging because when the viewer looks at it, they have to think harder to fill in the negative spaces in the advertisements. I think it is creative and well-put-together because it appeals to the eye and when you look at it, you see something different and interesting. You see two different advertisements at once, one for DKNY clothing, and one for Michael Kors accessories. Also, the weaving is very precise and when you fill in the negative spaces, it matches up perfectly. :)